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Friday, September 28, 2007

midnight post

it's midnight, and i'm still at it. working, that is.

i wonder how long will this continue.

another work crisis, one after the other. reports, emails, clients, bugs, timeline, CRs, gosh.

my dreams are about work these days.

I'M SUCH A BORE>>>>> what happened to my life? what happened to my inspiration?

and no matter how much i work towards it, i still feel i've not done my best.

deep down, inside, i'm afraid of being said useless.

3 Goodies:

Andersen 小张 \(^_^)/ said...



偶相信妳一定找到适合妳的方法来解决它罗~ Cheers!

xniquet said...

work like shit and fuck is another four letter word ^^

hang in there, BTW nice blog :P

Anonymous said...

welcome to "Nightmare INC." we, in "Nightmare INC." only provide dreams about work to people who are working too hard.

See see, we're working too hard.

damn it, i dream about work all the time.

catch up soon, girl. I'm working in Sg. will be back every other weekend.. call you soon~