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Monday, July 09, 2007

dear jamy and yenny

hey you two,

please, for my sake, write in englishhhhhhh... i can't read chinese... it's bad enough that every single post in yenny's blog is in chinese... nowadays, jamy's too!!!!!!!!!

both of you are my favourite bloggers.......... now, what am i supposed to do for reading materials? besides, i feel left out!!!

damn it, why can't i read and write in CHINESE?

i'm a freaking CHINESE, for heaven's sake.

gosh. i'm so useless.

2 Goodies:

assamlaksa said...

ahhahahahahah x 1000000000000

Yenny said...

sorry for not writing in english... my english really 'lao beh' larrr...
I will get a new blog to write in english, ok? I promise you... *holding ur hands, tears rolling in the eyes*