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Friday, May 18, 2007

guilty! as charged!

*cathryn's head is bowed down. too ashamed to look up*

sigh. there goes my 5 days! i could not stand it anymore and i succumb to temptations and cravings. i smoke! bad bad...

what happened to my discipline? sigh. i need to start all over again. restart the counter!

it's like being on a diet program. i always lack that...... kind of.... discipline/commitment/will power. always restarting my diet program. it's no wonder that i can't go down to 42kgs.

after 5 days of not smoking, i actually put on weight. that is bad. really bad. i'm afraid. need to handle my appetite for food and cigarette at the same time. i think i'm more afraid of putting on weight than to smoking. gosh! i sound like i care more of my appearance than my health!

i think what i'll miss most about smoking is when i'm having coffee in Starbucks/Coffee Bean/Dome. Seriously, coffee and cigarette really goes well together.

on a bright note, today is Friday! TGIF!!!!!!!!!

i love weekends! happiness! please please, no more temptations please.

i am not that strong. really. so - don't - tempt - me !

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