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Monday, February 05, 2007

Girls, this one's for you!

Another question - Will you rather be fat but have a potential to have a gorgeous body or rather be super slim but not nice body shape? Hmm.. let me describe in detail.

We have 2 choice here, to be fat but have a potential to have a gorgeous body or be super slim but an average body shape. Hard choice. First, let me start with the fat option first.

If you are fat, it is really hard to become thin. To achieve the body you want, even if you have a potential to have a great body. Unless of course, you have a really really strong discipline. And also, certain body parts, are really hard to slim down. When I say potential, I meant it like this, you have the enough breast size and butt size to look nice. Also, some waist line although you are fat. So when you are diet and exercise like mad to become thin, you actually are able to carry off clothes nicely. Hmm.. Va-Va-Voom.. Hot Hot Hot.. However, most people would have a difficulty in following the strict diet and exercise regime.. so a vicious cycle begins. Strict diet + vigorous exercise -> Lose weight -> slack off, eat normally -> put on weight -> start diet + exercise again -> lose weight ->oops, party, eat more -> put on weight... and so on, and so forth... Torture Torment Torture Torment

Ok, option 2, super slim but no body/average body shape.

So now, you are the envy of all fat girls, cause you are so slim. Yeah you do have nice legs, and arms, and a waist but too bad, your breast size and butt are inadequate. Sideways view, so thin you can fly away, flat stomach.. yippee! but.. ahem.. flat.. other parts as well. From the back.. yeah.. nice body.. no excess fats on your back, thin shoulders, yeah, and a waist, but too bad it is not that define.. anyway, not that bad cause you still have some width to your butt, so you can still see some shape to the body. Front view, tsk tsk tsk.. Not that nice.. as you look too thin.. the body is.. like a 12 year old boy's... But then again, all these can be compensate by, wearing wonder bra or add a lot of padding to your bra, wear flare skirts and a belt to chink in your waist.. just highlights your ahem.. extras.. or form an illusion.. Regarding bout the butt, you can achieve it by doing lots of exercise to enhance it.. also lots of work.

Well, girls, which would you choose? I'm torn between the both... Hehe.. Both is so tempting... Anyway, in real life, we have a lot more variety of body shapes and sizes.. so this is only two.. Erm, oh ya, I hope no one gets offended by my description... Sorry ya? if you are..

1 Goodies:

assamlaksa said...

i prefer fat then lose weight. atleast i dont look like a stick