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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Mundane Days

~ Mundane Mundane Days ~ with nothing much to do except for work, eat, watch tv, read, commute, and sleep. Can't go out shopping as my finance - overbudget. Don't feel like partying too as - waste money - and it's quite boring actually unless it's once in a blue moon and with the right group of people. I feel like going to Borders and buy some nice books to entertain me. Sigh. Saving is really HARD!

3 Goodies:

JOY said...

I hate saving!

Can sympathise with you!

Stumbled across your blog and am enjoying reading it.

Belle.Blahnik said...

Yeah, saving can really be a pain in the a**.

Thanks for reading my blog. :)

Belle.Blahnik said...

Actually, I am so hyped that there's someone reading my blog. I mean someone other than my circle of friends! Yippee.. I do hope you'll continue reading it.. And I'm rather pleased that you enjoy reading my silly stories/comments/thoughts.