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Thursday, January 11, 2007

OMG, OMG, OMG, I've got SPLIT ENDS!!!!!

HOW!!!! HOW!! How???? I don't want to cut my hair short. I've kept this hair for so long...... I want to keep my hair even longer... how to solve this?? I've thought of changing my hairstyle to straight and long... and cut in those.. oh.. I don't know how to describe... but.. looks.. quite.. calm and collective.. hehehhe

But now, my plans are destroyed. Must I go cut my hair? I want waist long hair!!!!!! Hmm.. how would I look with short shaggy hair with bangs? Ok... Drum Roll Please.......

Ta DAH -->

Scary right? Ugly... and yucks!... Please don't make me into an ugly hag! I promise I shall be really good and always will apply hair mask... and everyday apply hair conditioner... and do hair treatment.... Just.... DON'T make me CUT my HAIR!!!!!

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