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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ouch, toothache & bad hair day alert!

Ok, wait, the reason I wanted to post a blog today is not to talk about my toothache and bad hair day. Yeah, I know it's my title for the post but that's not the main reason. The main reason is to announce something. Here:

May today be a wonderful day for you and have a great year ahead!

Ok, back to my day, I'm having a rather nasty toothache (however, I still can eat - Not a good news for me) and quite a bad hair day. I'm going to present something to my boss soon, and I'm afraid that I might not have enough info or that my effort is not good enough. Sigh. However, I've done my best. I'm getting quite nervous now.

I think I must visit the dentist soon - I'm just worried that he might ask me to remove my wisdom tooth. I think that hurts alot and darn! It costs a bomb too!

My hair - I think I did not style it correctly today - I don't feel like putting effort on my appearance today, feeling rather lethargic.

I feel so fat. I wish that I'll lose some weight but I don't know why I find it hard nowadays to control my appetite. I seriously need to do something to it. I hate feeling the flabs around my body.

Ouch, ouch.. money or pain? To extract my tooth or not? Ouch!!!!!!

3 Goodies:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, no one's ever wished me on a blog. And thanks for the cheesecake, it was much better than i made it out to be.

As one who has had wisdom teeth come out successfully (albeit painfully), hang in there and wait it out. Extra teeth are useful.

Bout the hair, well I certainly am no authority on hairstyle so i will say nada.

Anonymous said...

Just want to drop by to say hi. Finally got time to read, keep it up.

Belle.Blahnik said...

You are welcome, John. Bout my tooth.. it has been growing for more than 2 years... So.. I really can't stand the pain!!!

Thanks for reading my blog, Hui Sian. I'm trying to use this blog to keep in touch with my friends. Hehe.. and also to improve my writing skills.